Sri Sailam complaints-1
Sri Sailam
The Secretary,
Inter Board,
Respected sir,
Request to accept our requisition for Xerox copies of Inter 1st year Physics [advanced supplementary, June `03] sent on 11-08-`03 i.e. Last date of receiving – reg.
I, Mr. Sai Kiran, Hall Ticket No. 2324595 was issued the marks memo on 07-08-`03 and the consequent days i.e., from 08-08-`03 to 10-08-03 were holidays. On
11-08-`03 we approached Principal, Govt. Jr. College, Sri Sailam Project, he told that 11-08-`03 was last date to reach the requisition for Xerox copies to Inter Board. On personal request he considered to give it and hence we far worded them to your Board with D.D. No.
456162 for Rs. 600/-. I had taken good coaching and attempted in good manner, but I got only 13 marks and failed at which my coaching institute also felt surprise.
Hence, we want to have Xerox copies to find out where we got failure.
Hence, I request you’re good self to accept my requisition for Xerox copies of answer sheets of 1st year Inter Physics in advanced supplementary, June `03.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
K. Sai Kiran.
My Address:
K. Sai Kiran,
S/o. K.Swamy,
Sri Mallikharjuna Photo studio,
Sri Sailam, Kurnool Dist.
Sri Sailam Complaints –02
10:25:00 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Deputy Secretary [Exams],
Board of Inter mediate Education,
Respected sir,
Complaint about answer sheet No.394, 1st year Physics in advanced Supplementary - regarding
Your letter No.R.C.727/Pc/ASE/2003, dated 18-08-`03.
I, Mr. K. Sai Kiran, regd. No. 2324595 attempted advanced supplementary in June 2003, from centre No. 2620, Govt. Junior College, Sri Sailam Project.
I had taken good coaching for this, done good industry and had written in good manner in exams. But I got 10 marks and failed. That’s why I suspected something wrong due to local competitions in between tuition centers and hence I wanted to locate where my failure was. That’s why I requested for Xerox copies through Principal on 11-08-`03 and got them through speed post on 20-08-03 directly from your good self to my residence address.
As per the Xerox copies of my answer sheets also I have to get marks for
Q.No. 19,17,14,12,11,9,7,6,5,4 and 3; as per the liberal consideration of examiner who corrected my answer paper. If he consider the answer very strictly he should not allot marks for the Q. No.20 and 12; other wise he have to allot for Q.No.19, 17, 14, & 9, 7,6,5,4 and 3 also. The answer booklet is enclosed for your ready reference.
As my case background: - I attempted exams in March 2003 for which I got total failure. That I accepted, because I did not get right coaching which was not available by that time so that I could not write exams in good manner. But this time by luck I got good coaching and done well. But due to local tuition centers competition some disputes happened here what we suspect. The local competitors to my tuition centre are College Development Committee members. So there is high possibility to have the support of internal college staff. The staff behavior also lead my parents, my tuition Lecturer and my self to this conclusion.
Sir, I bring this to your notice, that what ever may be the competitions in between colleges, schools and tuition centers, they should not make a student like me, as a scapegoat and they should not kill a student career.
Hence, I request your good self to look into the matter and to locate the dispute and justice me.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
K. Sai Kiran,
Parents` sign: K. Swamy
Tuition Lecturer sign: Y. Adi Lakshmi
Copy: [1] To the Commissioner & Secretary,
Board of Intermediate Education,
[2] C.M. Cell,
Sri Sailam Complaints –3
06:00:00 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
Sri Y.S.R. Garu,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P,
Respected sir,
Our complaint against EAMCET -2000 Ranks disputes done by Corporate Colleges and consecutive complaints about organized herrosment on us by them –reg.
Our personal meet with your good self on 21-03-2001
I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, Lecturer in Physics bring the following to your kind
notice with a request to make justice to us immediately.
With reference cited above we brought the dispute of EAMCET 2000 rank fixing done by Corporate Colleges as getting ranks in their favor and seizing the other`s ranks to C.M.`s peshy on 28-05-2000.
After that in the due course, the local colleges, with local supports harassed us organizing with the help of police and other departments at Surya pet, Nalgonda dist. At that moment, nobody had given house to us on rent and the then owners demanded us to vacate the house immediately against the terms. Police supported them. With strategies like A.P. Transco by claiming 49,300/-Rs. Bills eerier against nothing, disconnected our power connection etc they harassed us in all passable ways. We approached S.P. of Nalgonda several times. And we approached the then C.M. Mr. Chandra
Babu Naidu on 20-03-`01. After meeting C.M. Peshy officials, we understood the range of fraud from C.M. Peshy to Corporate Colleges. We met you on 21-03-`01 at your home, Jubilee hills for moral support.
With kindness, you extended help to recommend local politician to help us. Because we could not survive there, we left the issue, we left our assets, furniture everything, and we struggled for two years here and there.
Later we restarted life at Sri Sailam, Kurnool dist., by starting a pre-school and private tuition centre. Here also the private schools are managing fraud. So that here the competitive school by name `Wisdom` with corruption they got very good result and our result were seized by miscorrecting the answer papers of our student in 7th class.
When I taught for Intermediate student in June 2003 also, they did same. Against it, the parent of student had complained to C.M. Peshy but they did not respond.
Sir, I`m not questioning the result what ever they got by patronizing fraud. But they should not kill the carrier of other students and other institutes. When this happened in EAMCET, I turn to Inter & 10th class. When they encroached there, I turn to 7th class & pre school. But now the same fraud is repeating. Then how can we live? How the sincere working people can survive?
Hence, I request your good self to look into this fraud of hundreds of Cores of Rs per year and thousands of lives of youth.
For your reference, we can submit the records of the case EAMCET 2000 etc. whatever we have.
Once again, we request your good self to make justice to us immediately.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Encl. for reference:
Our complaint to Superintendent of Police, Nalgonda in 2000 Our present student Reg. No. 61119 [7th class].
Sri Sailam Complaint –04
Sri Sailam
The A.E,
A.P. Transco,
Sri Sailam.
Here with I, Smt. Y. Adi Lakshmi, inform you that we had shifted our accommodation from Room No.18 to Room No.10, Challa Venkayya Satram, as Room No.10 is allotted to us by Sri Bhramaramba Mallikharjuna Swamy warla Devasthanam, Sri Sailam on 15-09-`04. Here in Room No.10, the service No.729, the current meter is not working.
This is for your information.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y.Adi Lakshmi.
Sri Sailam complaint –05
10:50:40 Hrs
Sri Sailam
The A.E,
A.P. Transco,
Sri Sailam.
Respected sir,
Complaint about the bill i.e., Power charges to service No. 729, in Room No.10 – Reg
Here with me, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, occupant of Room No.10 in Challa
Venkayya Satram, which was allotted to us by Sri Sailam Devasthanam, bring the following to your notice to rectify the mistake.
In Room No.10, the service No.729, your employees did not issue the bill. Instead of it, they issued us the bill of service No.598 which is at Room No.18 in which we stayed in previous. In fact, the Room No.18 is occupied by Sri Sridharnath garu [paricharak] and their consumption is 28 units. Your employees issued the bill for that 28 units, category B to us and they are saying that they will issue our consumption of 87 units bill to them.
How it is possible sir? How they are liable to our consumption and we are liable to their consumption? If any disputes happen over their meter service No.589 are we liable for it? What logic is this?
Our consumption for these bi-months [Sep. and Oct.] is 87 units and there are 28 units, what ever the consumption we enjoyed in this Room No.10, which was occupied by us on 15-09-`04[Sep. 15th 2004]. Then how the Room No.18 is liable for it? How can the previous service No. of Room No.18 can follow us? Whatever the service No, consumption is relates to premises, isn`t sir.
Hence, we request your good self to issue the bill to our service No. in Room No.10, to enable us to pay the bill.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi.
A straight question sir?
Service No. is relate to Premises? Or Occupant?
Sri Sailam Complaints -06
17:54:40 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Assistant Engineer,
A.P. Transco,
Sri Sailam.
Complaint against your disputes with our service No.795 to S.E,Kurnool –reg
I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, A.P. Transco consumer with service No.795 at Sri Sailam bring the following to your notice for your information sake.
Last bill to my service you had given `Under Category -1.` this bill you have issued the same under category -2. On which grounds you have charged our service under commercial? Is it your personal authority to do so? Am I a commercial tax payer or business tycoon? After all I`m running a private and pre-school. The Government it self is encouraging education, so that after certain strength only, it will demand us for recognition and commerciality. I got the room allotment under such private personal ground but not under commercial.
Then on which documentation, you are charging my power service under commercial? That to, the same service comes under category -1 in one month and under category -2 in 2nd bill and vice versa in next. Are you playing games with us? When we were residing in Room No.18 of Mr.Sridhar on friendly base, you had done the same drama. Since we did not like to trouble him, we paid that in-justice bills. When we got allotment of Room No.10 in the same Challa Venkaiah Satram, after we had shifted we farwarded a letter to you since the meter was not working here. You replaced the old meter with a new one and inconsecutive bill you argued that the service No.598 of Room No.18 will follow me to Room No.10. I put another letter about such nonsensical administration. After that, you had issued the bill to us with service No.795 of Room No.10 under category -1 dated 10-11-’04. Now, next bill again you have issued it under category -2. Are you playing with my service musical chair? On behalf of whom you are harassing us like this?
If you meant money from some body as corruption, you do favors such as meter disputes etc to him, it is your sin. But by taking money from some one and doing harassment to his enemy or competitor, it is crime. What is the difference of this sin from a hired criminal`s activities?
Hence I am going to lodge complaint with police department under organized harassment which is already on the desk of Chief Minister Peshy. Because I have experience with your A.P. Transco at Surya pet, Nalgonda district as they issued the bill to my house for Rs.49,300/- to harass me after taking money as corruption from my competitive college. It seems your harassment.
I have only 40 students and running pre-school in my house varanda. So that, only one tube light and fan are using for kids. My monthly consumption also just 40 to 50 units. How it could be commercial? In such case in Sri Sailam for every 10 houses, one house is at least doing tailoring, dress and sarees sale, Mixe , fan etc repairing and beauty parlors, along with meter disputes. Then what is your sincere reaction on this issue?
Hence regarding all of these disputes, I`m bringing to the kind notice of your S.E., Kurnool along with all evidences.
Once again being customer, I`m demanding your response to my question on which grounds you are charging my power bill as commercial? On behalf of whom, your are harassing us?
Thanking you.
Yours consumer,
Y. Adi Lakshmi.
Sri Sailam complaints –07
11:25:05 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Superintendent Engineer,
A.P. Transco,
Sri Sailam.
Respected sir,
Complaint against A.E., Sri Sailam Mr.Vivekananda Swamy about his harassment on us – reg
Our complaint against organized harassment on us dt: 18-05-`04 on to the desk of C.M.
With reference cited above, I Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, resident of Sri Sailam brings the following to your kind notice with a request to do the needful at your earliest.
I am running a pre-school along with my husband in my house [a room and varandah], which was allotted, to us by Sri Sailam Devastanam. I have 25 kids and 14 private tuition students. But your A.E., Mr. Vivekananda Swami harassing us.
His harassment process is; he is issuing power bills to us one time under category-1 and one time under category -2 like musical chairs. For the same service No, first bill he issued under category-2, 2nd bill under category-1 and next under category-2 and so on. For your ready reference I`m enclosing the bills to you. When we shifted our residence after getting allotment from Devasthanam, this man argued with us that the service No. of cottage No. 18, C.V.C. to present Room No.10. When we asked him in written as the service No. relates to premises or occupant, then only he issued the bill with the service No.795 of room No.10.
Sir, how our service comes under category -2? I am neither commercial tax payer nor commercial educationalist. As on un-employee, we are running a pre-school for which there is no need to take registration or recognition or any other permissions from Government. For your ready reference, I`m enclosing the room allotment order issued by Devasthanam to us. Our consumption is only 40 to 50 units per month. How it could be a commercial consumption? Before entering into teaching line, I was an industrialist, established a small scale industry, so that I am some what awaritive about category-2. Hence I requested him on which documentation he charged us under category-2 in written. But he is making different arguments at each and every time.
Sir, being EAMCET Lecturer, I lodged complaint against EAMCET ranks disputes done by Corporate Colleges as rank fixing such as match fixing in cricket in 2000. Since that year, I was organizing harassed by them. Hence I personally approached C.M. Sri Y.S. Raja sekhara Reddy at Lake-view guesthouse on 22-05-`04, I lodged the complaint. During such harassment, at Surya pet, Nalgonda [Dist.] the A.P. Transco local authorities harassed me by issuing the current bill of Rs.49, 300/- to my house and disconnected service against Rs. 85/- due. At that time, S.E., Nalgonda had solved the problem. Similar harassments this A.E. of Sri Sailam is making.
Hence, I request your good self to look into the matter and make justice to us. I`m enclosing the necessary evidence for your ready reference.
Sir, once again, I request you to make justice to us.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y.Adi Lakshmi,
Sri Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy,
Sri Sailam complaint—08
17:30:50 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
Sri Y.S.R. Garu,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P,
Respected sir,
Complaint against continuous organized harassment on us reg, S.S.C. Public and 7th common Examination disputes-reg.
1]. Our complaint against EAMCET Ranks disputes dt.27-05-2000 to C.M. Peshy.
2]. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a result of EAMCET complaint.
3]. Our personal meet with Hon`ble C.M. on 22-05-`04 at Lake-view Guest house with a complaint against the continuous organized harassment including 7th common exam result disputes over our students’ career.
We, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, Mr. Lenin B.Yadla residents of Sri Sailam bring the following to your kind notice with a request to do the justice immediately.
With the background of EAMCET Lecturer, I lodged the complaint against
EAMCET Rank disputes done by Corporate and Private Jr. Colleges [ref.1] from Surya pet on to the desk of the then C.M. Mr. N. Chandra Babu Naidu.
Since that time, we were harassed by all means by private people and Govt. departments such as police and AP Transco etc, about which we mailed to C.M. Peshy
regularly. But nothing justice we got. Hence result, we struggled here and there, taken shelter at friends and relatives houses as our house owner at Surya pet had taken all of our house belongings and drove us onto road, and the police department had supported them, did not protected us.
After 2 years struggle, at last, with difficult effort, we could survive to settle down at Sri Sailam and started a pre-school and tuition centre in 2003.
Though we left EAMCET field, we are facing organized harassment, which resembles to that of at Surya pet. In the year 2003, we taught Intermediate students, and then also our student result was hijacked. We lodged the complaint onto the desk of Intermediate board secretary as well as to C.M. Peshy. In the year 2004, we taught 7th class students, then also same was happened.
Parents of some of our students also joined in the coup and harassing us in possible ways. One of our students K.Kalyan Kumar, Hall Ticket No. A 0328 had attempted Navodaya Entrance Exam in 2004 from Bhongiri, Nalgonda district. We coached up him perfectly with more than 100 model papers and the student has photographic memory. He must get minimum seat secured rank. But his name was no where on the result web cite.
We suspected his parent as the student was not appeared for the exam to claim us about the nil result. We don`t know the truth till date.
So that, we approached your good self [ref.3] and lodged the complaint along with case history. You promised us to enquire on it and to make justice to us. Since that incident, our position is somewhat better relative to past.
But now, in this year i.e., 2005, we have 3 students for 7th common exam on private basis. Now we are facing struggle from local schools syndicate. We don`t know whether the same corporate and private college managements at Surya pet was behind this local school syndicate or the immorality, corruption and disputes are same at every where, but the same type of harassment we are facing here. Here also A.P. Transco people harassing us with abnormal bills etc. At Suryapet in 2001, they issued monthly bill for Rs.49, 300/- and disconnected our domestic service. Similar harassments we are facing at Sri Sailam with A.P. Transco A.E. We lodged complaint onto the desk of S.E., till date we did not received any reply or justice.
Now exams are on ahead, we have 7th students and we are suspecting the disputes such as answer sheets of our students will be strike off etc.
Sir, we are not questioning that the fraud results of their students, which they are getting by corruption. We are not questioning their mass copying, fraud valuation etc. But they should not kill the other`s sincere and hard working career.
Hence, the corruption structure is not only dispute; it is in the form of crime. If one person got bribe to do favor to the payer, it is corruption or dispute. But by taking money, if that person does `in favor` to the competitor or enemy of payer, it is crime. What is the difference between these activities and that of hired criminals?
Sir, once again we request your good self to protect our career. Because of we complained against the ranks disputes in educational field, why should we were organizing harassed by that Corporate Colleges syndicate? Why should the educational field be ruined like this? In such case, can a single worth come out? What will happen to this Nation?
Sir, at least now it self, please look after that our forth coming result, it should not be get spoiled i.e., disputed, whatever the result it may be. Let it be genuine.
Please make justice and protect us like this.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y.Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B. Yadla.
Our Address:
Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi,
W/o. Lenin B.Yadla [Cell No. 9440971265]
Room No.10,
Challa Venkayya Satram,
Sri Sailam –518101,
Kurnool District. A.P.
Sri Sailam complaint –09
Sri Sailam
Sri Y.S.R. Garu,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P,
Respected sir,
Complaint against continues organized harassment on us-reg.
Ref: 1]. Our complaint against EAMCET ranks disputes dt.27-05-2000 to Peshy.
2]. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a result of
EAMCET complaint.
3]. Our personal meet with Hon`ble C.M. on 22-04-`04 at Lake view Guest house with a complaint against the continues organized harassment including 7th common exam. result disputes over our students’ career.
We, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, Lenin Babu brought the disputes of EAMCET 2000 Ranks, Inter mediate paper leak to the notice of previous government. Instead of making justice, the Ex. Government had harassed us. Regarding that issue, we met you when you were opposition leader. Later we left all of my assets, with empty hands, we spent here and there for 2 years and we could get a job as private school teacher at Sri Sailam in January 2003. By June 2003, we started a small pre-school and tuition center at Sri Sailam. In the academic year 2003-2004, to our student, who appeared 7th exams as private student, marks were tampered, to get least result. When you are C.M. of A.P., we met you with a request to make justice to us. What happened on that issue, we don’t know, but we got room allotment from Sri Sailam Devasthanam. We are okay for food and bed as well psychologically. But still our 7th class students’ results are getting tamper. Similarly, A.P. Transco people are giving my room current bill one time domestic, one time commercial, without giving clarification of which category it undergo. The bill is not tally to any category. Here the A.E. is not responsible to the costumer. If we are liable to pay it, we will pay irrespective of the category of service. But he is rejecting to show the rules. He is saying that it is his special authority.
With this back ground, we are coaching our daughter to appear 10th exams. Her age is 10 years. In our school, other students name Murali and Vamsi, tuned my child as “Look. The other student loves you. Observe him”. While they are trying to involve my child in love affair, because of her indiscipline in the class, I punished her by scolding and with 2 beats. In the evening, another 10th student in tuition approached her and started to tune her to commit suicide together as she also had same problem with her parents. With in 4 days, my daughter had break down with all this, she told every thing to us. After enquiry all the matter, we sent out the two students and solved our problem by counseling all the children. But, by watching this tuning of 10 years old girl to involve in love affairs by others and in parallel tuning of her to commit suicide by another, it seems an organized crime. This time, because of our luck we could solve our problem since my daughter break down on it and told us. If the same organized crime, next time if implemented on my daughter with more perfection, can we save her? Is there no end to this harassment?
We request you to make justice in our case.
Thanking you.
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Sri Sailam complaint –10
14:30:50 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
Mr. Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P,
Respected sir,
Reply statement on our complaint dt. 12-09-`05 as per the request of Circle Inspector of Police, Sri Sailam –reg.
1]. Our complaint against EAMCET Ranks disputes dt. 27-05-2000 to C.M. Pashy. 2]. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a result of EAMCET complaint. 3]. Our personal meet with your good self on 22-04-`04 at Lake View Guest house with a complaint against the continuous harassment including 7th common exam result disputes over our students carrier.
4]. Our complaint against continuous organized harassment on us –reg.
I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, W/o. Mr. Lenin B. Yadla bring the following to your kind notice with a request to take the necessary action on our complaints ref No.1, 2, and 3.
I`m very thankful to you for your kind response that you have extended towards us on the receipt of our complaint in person after 17 months.
As per your forwarding on my consecutive complaint ref. No.4, the local
C.I. of Police requested me to give a statement, hence this follows. Regarding my daughter`s problem, I had solved it and I mentioned it in para-2 in my complaint ref. No.4.
On this back ground I request your good self to take necessary action to reveal the real results to my students of EAMCET 2000, 7th 2004 and 2005 so that I`m enable to restore my carrier. I request your good self to enquire into the organized harassment I faced on the floor of Surya pet, Nalgonda district & Hyderabad, by the private people like my house owner Mrs. Bhagya Lakshmi, Surya pet, and Govt. employees like C.I. Mr. Khan, S.I. Mr. Ramulu Naik of Surya pet, S.P. Mr. Sivadhara Reddy, A.S.P. Mr. Sivananda Reddy of Nalgonda in 2001 and A.P. Transco people of Surya pet and Sri Sailam and others for which I produced all the administrative pakka proofs to the C.M. Peshy time to time.
I remind your good self about your promise at the time of my personal meet to enquire into this case and make justice to me by punishing the dispute makers.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y.Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B. Yadla.
Sri Sailam complaint –11
16:20:05 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The D.E.O,
Respected sir,
Complaint against mass copying and mal practice in 7th common and 10th Public exams at Sri Sailam Project Centre –reg.
1. Our complaint against EAMCET Ranks dispute dt.27-05-2000 to C.M. Peshy.
2. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a result of EAMCET complaint. 3. Our personal meet with Hon`ble C.M. on 22-04-`04 at Lake view Guest house with a complaint against the continuous organized Harassment including 7th common exam result disputes over our Students` career.
With reference cited above us, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi and Lenin B. Yadla bring the following to your kind notice to do the needful at your earliest.
As EAMCET Lecturer we lodged complaint against EAMCET, Intermediate educational disputed on to the desk of C.M. and consecutively complaint about organized harassment on us. With this background we are running pre-school and private tuitions at Sri Sailam. As our students of 7th class in 2004 and 2005, marks were got disputed, we lodged continued complaint onto the desk of C.M. as reference cited above.
Now also same situation! Here almost all private schools, with the co-operation of Govt. school staff are getting ready to make mass copying and mal practice in 10th & 7th exams behind the screen. Last year, in this time period of March i.e. just before 10th public exams, such financial deals between some students, parents and concern invigilating staff were over heard. Same thing is now waiting for exams.
All this, we want to bring to your kind notice as well as C.M. `s notice to give the career of sincere students and ours.
Hence, we request you to prevent all such mass copying and mal practice in the coming up public and common exams.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B. Yadla.
Copy: To C.M, Hyderabad
Sri Sailam complaint –12
Sri Sailam
Sri Y.S.R. Garu,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P.,
Respected sir,
Complaint against continues organized harassment on us –reg.
Ref: 1]. Our complaint against EAMCET Ranks disputes dt.27-05-2000 To C.M. Peshy. 2]. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a Result of EAMCET complaint. 3]. Our personal meet with Hon`ble C.M. on 22-04-`04 at Lake view Guest house with a complaint against the continues organized Harassment including 7th common exam. Result disputes over Our students’ career.
We Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, Lenin Babu currently residents of Srisailam brought the educational disputes of EAMCET, Inter mediate and as a result we complained to you being C.M. of A.P. regarding the organized harassment which we are experiencing, in our personal meet to you in May 2004. You promised us to enquire into the matter to take action. We are bringing the complaints to you time to time regarding the organized harassment on us and leading the life.
In this context, after 2 years, 5months first time we had in receipt of your response letter through C.I. of Srisailam and we had given our reply statement to you with thanks.
With this back ground:
1. We had given coaching to Mr. Srinivas, 7th class on private and made him to appear 7th exams in April 2004. He got 350 marks only. We put complaint regarding the dispute happened in this issue. Till date, we don’t know what the action is taken on it.
2. In 2005, we made two students Kalyan and Siva to attempt 7th exams on private, Kalyan got 420 marks and Siva got 229 marks only. This time also, tampering happened in my students result.
3. If the exam paper were corrected in hard manner, so that these two students got that much marks only on genuine; the other student in Srisailam who could not write the spelling of ‘The’ except as ‘Teh’ could got 360 marks.[Ref: Hari Naik, 7th class, April 2004, Wisdom School, Sri Sailam Project, branch Little flower Eng. Medium School, Srisailam].
4. After April 2004 exams, on which I complained to you, the so-called students Srinivas joined in another school by saying different reasons. But he didn’t show the marks memo to me. After 2005 April 7th Exams, out of two students, Kalyan shown different reasons and claimed that he got less marks like 420 out of expected 500 above marks, joined in other school. He also didn’t show the marks memo to me. The remained student, Siva; about his marks memo, whenever asked in the exam centre, the administrative staff giving redtapistic replies as the concern clerk was not available or come next time etc. But till date they didn’t give the marks memo.
5. After complaining against EAMCET disputes, we were driven out of EAMCET field in spite of single hand result in Physics. From there when I coached Intermediate in Srisailam, same dispute happened. That means we are driving to such situation that we are not eligible to coach from EAMCET, Inter to 7th class. Who is handling these situations? For what? Can’t we say this is organized harassment? If this continuous, if Govt. conducts exams to L.K.G., U.K.G., we may be stamped as not eligible to teach L.K.G., U.K.G.
1. In Sri Sailam, Devasthanam had allotted me single room to our residence cum pre-school on non-commercial rent basic. We are coaching 30 pre-school kids in room, 20 private students in Varanda. Totally nearly 50 students are there with me.
2. ‘To lead a pre-school is coming under the businesses’ by saying like this, the Transco A.E. is charging current as 7/- Rs per unit. Am I using my washing machine to school, or using frieze to school or using mixie to school? The fan using to pre-school kids is using to home as well like others. Even that, if Govt. rule is like that only, I pay it. When I ask to refer the rules, the A.E. is saying that he is not responsible to reply to the customer.
3. Okay. We can think that the A.E., Transco is affording to gain profits to his department. And he is committed to develop his Transco. There are tailors using motor machines in the houses, beauty parlors in the houses using heaters etc., and electric equipment repairers. There are business running in houses. All these are not noticed by A.E. Why there is one rule to me and other rules to others?
4. After the room allotment to us, when we hand over the room, we noticed that the current meter was not working. When we complained to A.E. regarding that, they replaced the Haryana meter with digital meter. It doesn’t matter. But on our floor, the other meters are not working and people are enjoying power without money, won’t the A.E. know it? They didn’t change them though months are going on. Doesn’t A.E. know about the consumption? Regarding these disputes and ruptures, we complained to S.E., but didn’t receive justice from S.E.
One of the students’ parents had convinced the holder of Room No.18 in C.V. Choultry to give it to us on friendly basis. But Mr. Phani Dhara Prasad R.I. of Devasthanam afforded his level best to drive out us from that room. Because he had a school by name Sri Bhramari English & Telugu Medium School on behalf of his second wife or sister-in-law. But by that time, with the kindness of God or the effort of another students’ parent, we got allotment of Room No. 10 in C.V.C. i.e. on first floor. We adjusted our selves as it is our fate. But Mr. Phanidhra Prasad could managed to get allotment of single cottage No.69 which is in our same premises by exchanging it with Mr. Raja Sekhar,Devasthanam employee with his A-Type Cottage, as the Cottage No.69 is for the Bhramari School run by his second wife. Around that cottage, he is using the iron meshes etc. of Devasthanam with high freedom. What is his intuition to enter into the same premises of C.V. Choultry? For the same school kids’ purpose, they allotted first floor to us. What should be called this?
There is plenty of water to the entire village. But there is severe water problem to our C.V.C. When ever we complaint to E.E., all of we got water for few days. Next again it will rise. Whenever this water problem the ground floor people will make the appropriate dramas. How nasty to bring this little and silly problem to bring to the notice of C.M. and C.I. of Police? But to face such silly problem, not for one day or two days, but continuously for years, how painful it will be, please imagine.
I am watching the things after I complained on EAMCET disputes. Wherever I stay, at Surya pet, Hyderabad or Sri Sailam there are troubles of water and current. There won’t be such problem to all of our neighbors. But there are such problems to us only.
I am observing this since 2000 i.e. 6 years. We don’t know who and why harassing us.
1. To the question regarding educational disputes – the answer is redtapisam.
2. To the question regarding the problem of A.P. Tranco – the answer is redtapisam.
3. As we debate regarding our allotment of room in first floor, “Then there was availability in 1st floor, we had given there. Now there is availability in ground floor, we gave Sri Bhramari School in ground floor”. Those will be the answer of redtapisam. Is it true? Is there vacancy in ground floor or allotted on exchange basis?
Is there no relationship between one issue to other? Can’t we call it as organized harassment? If not, please tell us what you call this?
Before giving complaint, there were problems in our life. But there were solutions also. But this is new that the organized harassment after giving the complaint. Still now, we are not bringing each and every problem to your notice. We are bringing problems such we can’t solve and organized issues to your kind notice.
Being C.M. of State, Please make justice to us.
Thanking you.
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B.Yadla.
1]. Complaint against Mass copying & mal practice In coming up 10th & 7th classes’ exams at Sri Sailam Project centre – reg
Sri Sailam complaint –13
07:30:00 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Executive Officer,
Sri Sailam.
Respected sir,
Complaint against Mr. Mahesh, Mr. Nagi Reddy, Mr. Ramanayya [Contract labor] and Mr. Veera Reddy [Security guard, Balaji Securities] and Mr. Adam [Craft teacher, Z.P. High school]-reg.
I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, resident in Room No. 10, Challa Venkayya Satram, bring the following to your kind notice with a request to solve the problem at your earliest.
In Challa Venkayya Choultry 17 families are residing, 8 families on ground floor and 9 families on 1st floor, totally 18 Rooms are here in this choultry. On terrace, the Devasthanam had provided two sintex water tanks. As per the slope of terrace floor, the tank of ground floor is little bit down than that of first floor. Hence the water flow is much into the ground floor tank. To manage the water pressure and to stop the water over flow when the tanks full, the Devasthanam had arranged 2 valves on each tank.
But the ground floor residents reference cited above, had cut off the valve on the ground floor tank with axa, after it was adjusted fully to flow into their tank, by claiming that Mr. G.M.R., A.E. water supply had adviced them to do so. It was happened after oneyear back. We did not complain to any officer.
After that Mr. Mahesh contract labor [his father Mr. Naga Mallayya was
Ex E.E., now retired] with his reputation fixed a tap on floor to the pipe which supply water to O.H. tanks, so that the pressure had dropped like any thing, and hence single drop of water did not supplied to us. When the water problem was severe, we approached Mr. Rami Reddy, E.E. and then the problem was solved for some time. Later that tap was removed.
But once again, after one year, two days back, Mr. Mahesh tried to fix tap there. We are giving entire topography for your ready reference. At that time we warned the plumber, as we will complaint to higher authorities, they stopped the trial.
Here, the ground floor people are growing gardens not as hobby but for business, they are selling flowers to coconut vendors and vegetables to other.
Sir, we don`t mind if they are capable to do business and earn money. But for their business sake, they should not trouble others, they should not suffer others. For their gardens sake, they are not allowing 9 families to have even drinking water. Is it humanity? At the back ground of cottage No.64, [occupant is Mr. Adam], Devasthanam had provided a valve. When it rotated to one direction, full water flow will be there for them. By keeping several meters of tube they are watering the gardens. Same case with Mr. Nagi Reddy, Tota mali [contract Labor], Mr. Ramanayya [attender to Mr. Krishnayya, D.E.O., contract labor], and Mr. Veera Reddy [security guard, Balaji securities].
There was an unauthorized tap at the back yard of cottage No.66. Same Valve- Tap managements and pipe watering to gardens is there. One more cottage No.67, of Mr. Markhandeyulu is in this same lane. There is huge flower and vegetable garden in their house. We [all 9 families on the first floor] put several requests to them but in vain.
From the ground floor water tank, there is water connection to cottage No.69 [the occupant is Mrs. M. Madhavi, Bhramari school] had double connection to their O.H. Tanks. Like that, every body has their own solutions and gardens, on the other hand all other cottages around us, their O.H. Tanks used to overflow almost every day. But the occupants of 1st floor C.V.C., we i.e. 9 families’ people are suffering even for drinking water. Every summer same experience. Every day same problem.
They won`t give pressure and the ground floor people won`t leave the valve. Hence, no water to tanks. 9 families on 1st floor and 4 families on the other side of ground floor will face the water problem like any thing. Sir, we are not asking about the water supply on festival days like Siva rathri and Ugadi. We are requesting you to solve the water problem on normal days.
Sir, when we requested orally to either E.E. or D.E., they solved our problem for time being. But we request your good self on behalf of 9 families to solve the water problem of ours which is created by others with humanity and permanently.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y.Adi Lakshmi,
Sri Sailam complaint –14
08:01:30 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
Sri Rami Reddy Garu,
Executive Engineer,
Sri Sailam Devasthanam.
Respected sir,
Complaint against Mr. Mahesh [contract labor, room No.1, c.v.c.], Mr. Nagi Reddy [contract labor room No.2], Mr. Ramannayya [contract labor, roomNo.4] and Mr. Veera Reddy [security guard in Balaji Securities, room No.5] about their water disputes – reg.
Our complaint to E.O. reg. - same dt. 31-03-`06.
With reference cited above I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, W/o. Lenin B. Yadla, resident of Room No. 10, C.V.C., bring the following to your kind notice with a request to solve the problem immediately.
Here, in Chall Venkayya Satram, 17 families are residing on two floors, 8 on ground floor and 9 on 1st floor. For water supply, Devasthanam had provided two sintex tanks [huge in size] on the terrace. As per the slope of terrace floor, the tank of ground floor is little bit down than that of the 1st floor. They provided two valves [one on each tank] to control the over flow on the tanks. There is wheel valve on our tank i.e. 1st floor and gate valve on the ground floor tank. Naturally, water pressure is high into the down tank so that the water flows.
On the other hand Mr.Mahesh, being the son of retired E.E., [Mr. Naga Mallayya], with his reputation managed stand taps beside and in front of his room on the ground floor and hence water pressure had countable dropped into the tanks on terrace. We, all the families on 1st floor suffered one year like this. In last summer, Mr. Mahesh and Mr. Veera Reddy cut the gate valve on their tank with axa, so that complete water supply what ever it is into their tank. With all this summer had gone, in spring and winter there was no major water problem so that we did not approached any officials.
This summer we [all the residents of 1st floor as a group] approached Mr.G.M.R, and he responded positively so that the stand taps were removed on 06-04-`06. After that up to 09-04-`06, the water supply in to the both tanks was well, but what happened we don`t know, now our tank is over flowing and in their tank, there is no water supply. Mr. Mahesh and Mr. Veera Reddy have the equipment like pipe-wrench and cutting player, in previous also they operated the valve and cut the valve as per their declaration.
Now the valve on our tank is not operatable as we informed by Mr. Naik who came to solve the problem [sent by G.M.R., A.E.]. Hence, it is over flowing as well as the ground floor people [mentioned in sub] using nasty tongue towards us.
There is a valve in the back yard of cottage No.64. If it is operated to one side, water supply to cottage No.64, 65, 66, 67, &68 [5 cottages] if it is operated to another side water supply to O.H. Tanks on C.V.C. When the stand taps were there, they used to operate it to such side so that no water supply to the tanks. When others used to operate it, they did not say anything and they put water tubes of lengths 50 to 100ft. & watered gardens from which they sell flowers and plants.
Sir, we won`t object any body if they do business and earn money. But for that sake, they should not trouble the others that to for even drinking water.
We request your good self to change the valves on the tanks and solve water problem as well as water wastage.
Sir, we are requesting you to prevent the nasty circumstances on behalf of 9 families on the first floor and solve the water problem permanently.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Sri Sailam complaint –15
10:15:45 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
Sri Y.S.R. Garu,
Hon`ble C.M. of A.P,
Respected sir,
Complaint against continuous organized harassment on us – reg
1]. Our complaint against EAMCET Ranks disputes, dt. 27-05-2000 To C.M. peshy.
2]. Our complaint against organized harassment on us as a result of EAMCET complaint.
3]. Our personal meet with Hon`ble C.M. on 22-04-`04 at lake view Guest house with a complaint against the continuous organized harassment including 7th common exam. result disputes over our student’s career.
We, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, Lenin Babu currently residents of Srisailam brought the educational disputes of EAMCET, Inter mediate and we complained to you being C.M. of A.P. regarding the organized harassment on us as a result.
In this context, after 2 years 5 months, first time we received response letter from you through local police C.I. and we submitted our detailed complaint, statement with thanks to him as a reply to your correspondence. In this sequence, we brought our water and current problems, which we are experiencing bitterly to your kind notice on 28-02-2006. Surpringly, instead of solving the problems, with in this one and half month, those problems were increased into severe form. More over, there are threatens started such that the Devasthanam will go to cancel the room allotment. Problem of drinking water turns into severe. If we watch the water supply of others in this village, no water problem to all of the people. The O.H. Tanks of our surrounding cottages are over flowing every day. Even in our choultry, ground floor people could water their gardens with plenty. But we can’t wet our throats with water. We complained to E.O. in written but in vain. We met A.E., E.E. and complained but in vain. E.E. had warned the ground floor people who are contract labor as if they harass the first floor people with water problem, they may loss their contract jobs, but they didn’t drop back and more over they are using vulgar tongue along with the continuation of water non-allowance. How the E.O. and E.E. are not able to control a gardener, an attender and a security guard?
With this situation, there is similarity with the situation at Suryapet in 2001, when we lodged complaint on EAMCET and the following organized harassment context, as the S.P. of District, D.S.P. of the town, C.I. of Police, Local TDP Leaders, Congress leaders and particularly capable politician Mr. Meela Satya Narayana who was a king maker and able to make victory to a rebel M.L.A., and such leading personalities could not control a chicken shop owner i.e. my house owner who had a history or record of servant maid carrier in the same town in past.
No body can imagine or think that this much of harassment on them due to complaint on EAMCET afterall. Why and expecting what from us Mr. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu had harassed us, he might know. Why and expecting what from us you are continuing that harassment, you should know.
Otherwise, by watching all of this, God must know that. But I have nothing as ‘Secret of Gandi fort’ to make you to know by harassing us and searching in us. I told you my self, to your good self on 21-03-2001, when I met you at your residence that I had complained against Mr. Ramoji Rao, Enadu regarding the assassination of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi to the then Prime Minister of India, Sri P.V. Narasimha Rao and you might think that it was my immaturity or hot blood or Patriotism, but since that my life had became miserable. At that time you told that you could give recommendation letter to Mr. Meela Satyanarayana, because you were in opposition, you could not do any thing else. I don’t know whether you remember it or not but I have no secrets that you have to know by harassing me.
Then why you are harassing us and what you expect from me – This is my straight question to you.
Thanking you.
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B. Yadla
Y.Adi Lakshmi,
Room No: 10,
Challa Venkaiah Satram,
Sri Sailam, Kurnool[dist]
Sri Sailam complaint –16
09:16:20 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Circle Inspector of Police,
Sri Sailam.
Respected sir,
Complaint against Mr. Ramanayya, attender on contract to Dy. Executive Officer Mr.Krishnayya garu, about his threatening on me with fake phone call – reg.
I, Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi, W/o. Lenin B. Yadla, resident of room No. 10, C.V.C.,1st floor, Sri Sailam bring the following to your kind notice with a request to take action on Mr. Ramanayya, room No.4,C.V.C. and to make justice to us.
At Challa Venkayya Choultry [C.V.C.], 18 families are residing 9 on ground floor and 9 on 1st floor. Mr. Ramanayya and others had cut off the valve of the sintex O.H. water tank of ground floor with axe saw after adjusting the full water pressure to them and with their corruptive methods; they managed stand taps near their rooms. This was happened 1-year back, and all of us, the people on 1st floor suffered without water.
Hence on behalf of 9 families, I lodged the complaint on to the desk of E.O. on 31-03-`06 and consecutively we as a group approached A.E., Mr. G.M.R. and E.E.
Mr. Rami Reddy on 06-04-`06 with oral and written complaints and request. After watching the pressure droppings, they removed stand taps and sent water tanker as temporary solution and they promised us for permanent solution.
Mean while there were bulk transfers in the Devasthanam. So that we are waiting with patience for the settle of staff. But yesterday i.e. on 08-05-`06 around
5:30 P.M. Mr. Ramanayya brought Mr. Naik contract labor in water works[in previous also, by taking money this man only had arranged two stand taps [un authorized] for them as per their own claim], Mr.Rajesh the new A.E. of water works and installed one stand tap. We did not objected the A.E.`s authority, but we requested him to watch the water inlet into our tank and we as a group, tried our level best to explain our problem with a request to solve.
Exactly, at that time, A.E., Mr. Rajesh had given me the cell phone of Mr. Ramanayya and told me that their D.E.O., Mr.Krishnayya was on the line. When I received the call, the voice on the phone said ``what? Why are you showing wickedness i.e. zulum on all other by saying complainting to E.O. etc.? By showing mercy, I had allotted room to you. What is your nonsense? Who ever got water, they fetch it. What is the pain to you?”
I shocked with that and by trying to convince him, I told him on phone `as a group we requested your officials, how it could be `wickedness i.e. zulum`? and I requested my co-resident Mr. Poorna chandrmachary Dy. Head Master in Zilla Parishat School as they also victims, to attend the call. When he started to explain, Mr. Rajesh, A.E., had taken the cell and concluded the call.
Sir, I know Mr. Krishnayya garu and I met him at his office to express my thankfulness after allotment of my room in September 2004. I remember his voice, accent and the way of talking. That to as a higher official, nobody will react in such a way by supporting totally one group and others to suffer. When we approached E.E., A.E., they also tried to solve the water problem and to provide water to everybody.
That’s why I suspect that Mr. Ramanayya had given a fake phone call on the name of Dy.E.O. Mr.Krishnayya. But why he targeted me I don`t know; because as a group we approached the higher authorities. In previous, the families of Mr. Ramanayya, Mr. Nagi Reddy Thota mali, Mr. Veera Reddy, Security guard and Mr. Mahesh himself, contract labor used nasty tongue and we complainted to E.E. so that he warned them to behave gently. Once or twice they threaten me that they can close my school. I don`t know who is behind this, but Mr. Ramanayya and others harassing me target fully.
In due course, they are threatening me with fake phone calls. If I fear about it, what is guarantee that he won`t threaten me on behalf of some other to give money or some thing? Is it not a criminal brain?
Hence, I request your good self to enquire into this matter and to take action on Mr. Ramanayya for this fake phone call threatening.
Sir, on the other hand, if Dy.E.O, himself had given that phone call, how could an administrative request and an administrative complaint on dispute be `Wickedness or Zulum`? What is the reason to scold me like this?
Sir, once again, I request your good self to take action on this matter.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Our Address:
Mrs. Y. Adi Lakshmi,
W/o. Lenin B. Yadla,
Room No.10,
Challa Venkayya Choultry,
Sri Sailam.
Cell No. 9440 971265.
Sri Sailam complaint –17
22:40:15 Hrs,
Sri Sailam
The Circle Inspector of Police,
Sri Sailam.
Respected sir,
Complaint against Mr. Nara Chandra Babu Naidu, the Ex. C.M. of A.P. and media man Mr. Ramjet Rao, Chairman of Enadu Group of Companies about their organized harassment on us – reg.
Our confidential complaint against Mr. Ramoji Rao, about his coups against India including the assassination of Mr. Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 at Sri Perambudur T.N., dt.03-06-1992 to the then P.M. of India Mr.P.V. Narasimha Rao at his residence at Race Course Road, New Delhi.
I, Mrs. Adi Lakshmi, my husband Mr. Lenin B. Yadla and my daughter
Ms. Phani Geeta Priyadarsini brings the following to your kind notice with a request to do the needful.
With reference cited above, we request your good self to forward this complaint onto the desk of C.M. Mr. Y.S.Raja Sekhara Reddy, as we lost faith in postal and courier services because we are not receiving acknowledgements or receipts for our recent mailings.
We are enclosing a copy of it for your ready reference, and we request you to acknowledge this.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Y. Adi Lakshmi,
Lenin B.Yadla,
Y. Geeta Priya.
Friday, December 19, 2008
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